Monday, September 22, 2008

Pick yourself up

Life has its ups and downs, I know, I have a bit of the both. I fell and picked myself back up, going from seeing a psychiatrist and a psychologist, taking anti-depressants and so on, I am proud to say that I can now make myself happy without help from others. I don't need medication or doctors rephrasing everything I say to them. All I need is sunshine, exercise, the moon to stare at, a good book, some food and my dog Empress. haha... and i guess that friends would be good every now and then. having people to is a good way to keep yourself in reality. Sleep would be another good thing to go with all the fun stuff. =)

Did you know that our body acts like a clock. yup yup. the less light that touches are eyes lets one know that its sleepy time and the more light that are eyes or body takes in the more we stay awake. thats why in order to develop a good sleeping habit when u wake up in the morning u shud open the blinds or windows and when you go to sleep its better to sleep in complete darkness


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